Unlocking Business Potential with Strong Recurring Revenue
Everyone loves recurring revenue and for good reason. When buyers see recurring revenue, they instantly know that a business is stable, has positive cash flow, and, importantly, has room for potential future growth.
There is no way around the fact that buyers want a business to be predictable. In short, buyers want to see consistency and stability at every level. Recurring revenue means that a prospective buyer can be confident that they will see income from the first day they take over the business. There is a powerful psychological aspect to recurring revenue that sellers should keep in mind, as they put themselves in the buyer’s shoes.
When a buyer sees that there is recurring revenue, they know that even if they are unable to develop the business as soon as they take over, there will be positive cash flow. Buying a business is a big decision, and recurring revenue can take some of the fear out of the equation.
Recurring revenue also serves to strongly indicate to buyers that your business offers goods and services that are consistently in demand. Any seller that wants to convince a buyer that their business is worth the asking price should focus on cultivating recurring revenue opportunities. There is nothing quite like recurring revenue to calm nerves and convince buyers that a business is worth a serious look.
Sellers should strive to have a business that has strong annual recurring revenue (ARR). ARR is a metric that measures the money coming in annually. Once your business has a strong ARR, don’t be shy about emphasizing that fact to buyers. A healthy number serves as a truly powerful indicator of your company’s current and future health and potential.
When your business displays strong recurring revenue, it points to the fact that your business is doing many things correctly. It shows that your business is able to consistently serve its customers well enough that they return again and again. This fact indicates that both your goods and services and your management and team members are performing optimally.
Summed up another way, recurring revenue is a quick and easy way for potential buyers to gain insight into the value of your company. Any seller looking to optimally showcase their ARR, or looking for ways to boost their recurring revenue, should consider working with a business broker or M&A advisor. Brokerage professionals understand all the different variables involved in helping prepare a business to be sold.
Copyright: Business Brokerage Press, Inc.
Kaspars Grinvalds/BigStock.com
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